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A Comprehensive Guide to Electric Scooter Laws

Since electric scooters are environment-friendly, means of personal transport, they offer convenience and are comfortable, therefore, they have become extremely popular.

 The fast-growing electric scooter industry is designing and developing, feature-rich, sophisticated, and powerful electric scooters. The increase in their demand requires lawmakers to address numerous areas regarding the use of an electric scooters.

over the past few years, we see more and more electric scooters running on the roads. Therefore, different states, regions, and countries have their own laws regarding electric scooters.

Answering the simple question of whether riding an electric scooter in a particular area is legal or not is no longer that easy to answer.

Finding correct information online can be challenging and tiresome. mainly because information present on different sites often contradicts each other.

 Some common issues that users often face are

  1. Is there a need for a license to ride an electric scooter>
  2. Is a helmet a requirement?
  3. Do I need to stop at the traffic signal?

In this blog post, we will be addressing the above along with several other questions to ensure that you find the best information possible.

 Note: Laws are always subject to change as it is an ongoing process.

The list below shows each state's current legislature.

Also, every state has its own city where the local council limits or prohibits the use of electric scooters. They might even ban it in certain areas altogether.

Moreover,  the rules differ for private or rental scooters.

Speed limit

 At the moment the maximum speed limit for most states is 20 mph.

This is unexpected as most electric scooters do not go above 10 to 15 mph.

Of course, there are certain exceptions. For instance, in New Jersey, the maximum speed limit is 19 mph whereas in DC the speed is 10 mph.

 In Oregon add Michigan the maximum speed limit is 25 mph.


 If you plan to ride in Alabama it is important for you to have either a Class B or a class A restricted motorcycle license. You should be a minimum of 14 years of age in order to apply for this license.

The helmet law is also applicable for electric scooter riders as the scooter falls into the definition of an electric bike.

According to these laws, you have to wear a protective bicycle helmet when riding an electric scooter. This is a requirement for someone who is below the age of 16.

Also, you are to ride on the right side of the road. of course regulation differs from city to city. For instance, Tuscaloosa does not allow electric scooters on the streets at all.

 In Birmingham they fall in the category of motor vehicles thus they require a motorcycle license along with the registration tag.


 in order to ride an electric scooter you need to have an M2 glass motorcycle license.

The minimum age limit is 14 years.

For people above 16 years, you need to have either a one or M3 motorcycle license.

 It is imperative for riders under 18 years of age to wear helmets.

Electric scooters on which the rider can stand or sit cannot have more than a 750 W motor.  Other than these two rules you can ride motor vehicles under the same regulation as of a bicycle, and the streets are fine.


Arizona has the following definition for an electric scooter device.

  • Has a maximum top speed of 20 mph
  • It uses an electric motor to power
  • Comes with a floorboard and a handlebar
  • Has either two or three wheels
  • Is not more than 75 lbs.

Back in 2019, the state of Arizona passed a bill that legalizes the use of electric scooters in public areas at the state level.

Riders can ride their electric scooter on public roads and sidewalks.

Except for Pima, Yuma, Sierra Vista, and Tucscon, riders under 18 years of age are to wear helmets. Rest, there are no helmets required statewide.


This state is similar to Arizona. Their definition of an electric scooter device is as follows

  • It weighs less than 100 lbs
  • Offers a maximum top speed of 20 mph
  • Uses an electric motor to power
  • Comes with a floorboard that the rider can stand on, a handlebar, and two or three vehicles.
  • The rider needs to be a minimum of 16 years of age to ride the electric scooter.
  • Even though the permitted top speed is 20 mph but in most cases, you're not allowed to ride faster than 15 mph.

At the time of this writing, The local authorities are responsible for the legality of riding on sidewalks streets, or any other regulation.

According to some sources, you need a license to ride an electric scooter. However, the statement is contradictory as other claims the opposite.


California is the home for skaters and surfers,  it should be great for electronic scooters, right?

However, that is not the case! The rider can ride on the public road or the bike lane if they do not exceed 15 mph.

  • Riders under 18 years of age, must wear a helmet.
  • You also need a learner’s permit or a driving license.
  • In case you’re planning to ride on the streets you need to wear a helmet regardless of your age.

Reason why California is so strict.

California is the birthplace of the electric scooter industry, thus it had extremely relaxed and laidback laws in place. However, in 2018, three organizations spin, lime, and the bird started without the permission of the authorities. Due to this reason, electric scooters gained a bad reputation and thus new and strict laws were implemented.


 Colorado is among the few electric scooter-friendly states.

  • Electric scooters that offer a speed limit of 30 mph or less are allowed on the streets.
  • Electric scooter absorbs the same laws and regulations as that offer bicycle.
  • in case you want to ride on sidewalks you cannot exceed the speed of 6 mph.
  • Riders need to be at least 16 years of age in order to write the scooter.
  • If you are 18 and below you need to wear a helmet.
  • The top speed that the state allows is 20 mph.

Some sources say that you need a license to ride a scooter whereas other claim the opposite.


The popularity of electric scooters resulted in the implementation of laws that are similar to bikes back in 2019.

  • In order to ride an electric scooter, you need to be of a minimum age of 15 years.
  • Riders under 16 years, need to wear a helmet.
  • You cannot ride on sidewalks. the maximum speed that is allowed is 20 mph.

 Some sources say you might need a license. However other states that there is no need for one.


According to certain sources, electric scooters are completely banned in Delaware.

But there are also sources that claim that it depends on the type of motor-driven vehicle you are planning to use.

According to the former information the following stands.

As per Delaware laws, a motorized scooter is defined as follows:

  • The scooter uses a motor for power and there is no human intervention for moving it.
  • Features a break slash throttle controlled by hand or handlebars.
  • You can operate it by either standing or sitting on it
  • It must have two wheels and it should have a standing floorboard close to a road or a chassis

Motor-powered vehicles that do not have the above attributes don’t come under the category of motorcycles. Therefore to use these vehicles you would have to register them with Delaware DMV.

Also, other vehicles including the tripeds or the mopeds have a separate class.

If you have a low-end scooter there is a high possibility that Delaware DMV classifies it as a mini bike.

  • The criteria for this class are as follows
  • The driver's seat must be less than 25 inches away from the ground
  • It can have an engine displacement smaller than 45CC
  • It cannot be more than 40 inches in length
  • The wheel diameter must be fewer than 10 inches

 If your electric scooter ticks all checkboxes, it means that you have a mini bike on your hands. So similar to scooter regulations there is no need to register a mini bike either.

Washington DC or District of Columbia

In 2020, the Washington estate passed a law defining an electric scooter as a personal mobility device. It means it is a type of motorized vehicle that is designed for individual transport. There is no need for a license. Nor do you require any sort of registration.

However, the following restrictions are in place

  • It is imperative for scooters to abide by all traffic signals and road rules.
  • You cannot wear headphones while riding the scooter.
  • You can ride in all designated bike lanes
  • On share scooters, it is not obligatory for riders below the age of 18 to wear a helmet.
  • You cannot ride on sidewalks
  • To operate an electric scooter you need to be a minimum of 16 years of age.
  • Another important rule that you need to remember is that the maximum speed limit is 10 mph.


In Florida, an electric scooter rider has the same responsibilities and rights as a bicyclist on the state level. They have the right to use bike lanes.

However other regulations greatly depend upon local cities. Their officials define and decide what is right and what is wrong.

So it can vary from city to city whether you should wear a helmet, the right age to ride a scooter, the right age to wear a helmet, and others.

Orden, Florida is a good place to enjoy an electric scooter. The minimum age to ride a scooter is 16 years and you would need a license as well.

It is important to follow the road rules and the maximum speed that you can ride your scooter is 30 mph. However, this does not apply in bike lanes.


In order to encourage the development of this kind of technology, Georgia State does not over-regulate the industry. The laws regarding electric scooters greatly depend upon the local cities.

  • Riders can ride in bike lanes, on roads, and on bike paths. they can enjoy a maximum top speed of 35 MPH. However, you cannot ride on crossways or sidewalks.
  • There is no age to ride an electric scooter but for a rider under the age of 16 wearing a helmet is a must.
  • Electric scooter riders must follow traffic rules and they cannot text while writing.

Some resources claim that a registration license is required however there are some that said state the opposite.


 Scooters have recently become popular in Hawaii as well. After all, it has the environment and the weather that would let you enjoy your ride.

However, there hasn’t been much development in terms of laws and regulations regarding electric scooters. Previously electric scooters were regulated as Mopeds thus, they were illegal to ride on the sidewalks.

  • According to the new laws set by the state of Hawaii in July 2021, the rider needs to be a minimum of 15 years of age in order to ride on public property.
  • It is imperative for the rider under the age of 16 to wear a helmet along with a chin strap.
  • Also, you either have to install a face shield on an electric scooter or you need to wear safety goggles.
  • You still cannot ride on the sidewalks.
  • Every county and state has its own set of rules for how and where you can ride your electric scooter.

 As per some sources you need a license and registration in order to write a scooter in Hawaii. However other claims are the opposite.


 This is another state that is still in a  dilemma to declare whether the electric scooter is legal or not.

 The state's legal policy regarding electric scooters is extremely confusing. The major reason behind this ambiguity is the lack of distinction between a motorcycle and an electric scooter.

 Other motor-driven vehicles including motor scooters are put together in a category called “Motorised toys”.

 In order to pass as a motorcycle below is the criteria that your vehicle should meet.

 In case it does not the state would consider it as a motorized toy.

  • It should not require human assistance and should be self-propelled
  • Has two wheels in order to travel
  • It should have a minimum of 50CC engine

If your scooter does not match up to this criteria it means that you have a motorized toy. Thus you will not be able to ride it on public roads.

The reason being the state of Idaho isn't happy about allowing motorized toys for public road use. So you will not even need any license or registration.

The best way to find what category your vehicle falls under an Idaho law and regulation is to reach out to the local DMV office.

Since the state does not consider electric scooter motor vehicles thus it is street legal and there is no need for a title, registration, or license in order to ride them.

The only city in the state that has registration is Boise. Following are the other locations where you can use an electric scooter within Boise city's limit

  • Streets
  • crosswalks and sidewalks
  • On 25 miles of the green belt path
  • In bike lanes

However, do bear in mind that the green belt paths are the ones that are managed by the city and not by an individual.

You can also find information regarding parking and specific no-ride zones.

No-Ride  zones include

  • Kathryn Albertson Park
  • Boise Foothills
  • Boise skate parksidaho state capitol (no parking zone)
  • Parts of Boise state university


According to state laws you need to have either an instruction permit, state identification, or a driver's license to ride an electric scooter If you are under 17.

The minimum age to ride an electric scooter is 16 years.

 As for the state laws that  define an electric scooter as a vehicle that

  • Doesn't have a system that requires gear shifting
  • You can pedal it on foot or it can be powered like a motorcycle
  • It has a maximum power output of 2two hp
  • It offers a maximum top speed of 20 mph

In case your electric scooter does not meet the above criteria, the state would consider it a motorcycle. Thus, you would need registration.

Also, it is mandatory that the tail light of the electric scooter should be visible from 100 to 600 feet and the headlight should have visibility from 500 feet.

For now, you can ride your electric scooter on public roads.

There is a bill that has been introduced but hasn’t been effective. As per the bill, the electric scooter the rider would have to follow the same road rules as that of a bicycle.


 According to the new laws set in July 2019, the state considers an electric scooter as an electric foot scooter. Therefore, it needs to meet the following criteria

  • It offers a maximum top speed of 20 mph or less on a flat ground
  • The scooter comes with either three or Fewer Wheels
  • It should not be more than 100 lbs in weight
  • T the vehicle comes with a floorboard to stand on along with handlebars

If the scooter meets all the above criteria it would have the same rights and responsibilities as bicycles.

 However, We found some additional information as well.

 Indiana states categorize motorcycles,  mopeds, and scooters in the same group, the motor-driven motor-driven cycles.

 There are different classes of these cycles, thus they are the rules and regulations that you have to consider.

  • For both Class A and B you would need a license along with registration.
  • For anyone under 18 wearing a helmet is mandatory.


Back in 2019, this state came up with a law that still has to be implemented regarding electric scooters scooter. As per the law, an electric scooter is a vehicle if:

  • It has a top speed of under 20 mph
  • Uses the user motor for power
  • Comes with a floorboard and handlebars
  • Has either two or three wheels
  • The scooter does not do not weigh more than 100 lbs

If the scooter ticks cheques all the boxes, it means that it would have to follow the same rules as that a bicycle. Y you can ride write them in bike lanes, on sidewalks, and on roads.

 There are certain sources that say that you would need insurance, registration, and a license for an electric scooter.


The state is electric scooter friendly. It has legalized them at the state level.

  • You do not require a helmet.
  • You do not have permission to ride an electric scooter on highways or sidewalks.

 Some sources claim that you would need a registration and Anna a driver's license in order to use your electric scooter. But there are others that claim that there is no need for such things.

Kentucky State

Kentucky State does not have any formal classification of an electric scooter. They just have one formal definition of moped and they consider electric scooters part of that category.

 As for the state’s laws and regulations, a moped is to be:

  • It offers a maximum top speed of 30 mph
  • There is no need for manual shifting by the driver, it has an automatic transmission
  • The vehicle has a minimum 2HP engine

If your electric scooter does not meet up to the requirements, it means that it would be considered a motor-driven motor in Kentucky State.

  • Thus, you would not be able to ride your electric scooter on a public road.
  • You would also need a license
  • Only a 16-year-old can get his or her electric scooter registered. As the documents that you would require for registration are issued only to people above 16 years of age.

That is what you need to know

Kentucky State treats  electric scooters as a bicycle, and thus same rules are applied to it

There is no need for a helmet as well

It is imperative for an electric scooter to have a rear red light along with a headlamp to ride during the night time or during low visibility such as rain or fog.


The state defines an electric scooter as the following

  • It offers a maximum speed of 20 mph
  • Either human power powers it or it is powered by an electric motor
  • It comes with a floorboard and a handlebar
  • It does not weigh more than 100 lbs

As for the state laws that were implemented in 2019, you cannot right electric scooters on streets, bicycle paths, and on sidewalks. Also, the speed limit cannot be more than 20 mph.

 For a rider under 17, a helmet is mandatory.

Only one person can ride an electric scooter at one time.

In order to enjoy the maximum speed of 40 mph, you would need a license for your electric scooter. however, we are not still able to confirm this piece of information.


It is legal to ride an electric scooter in Maine, But certain laws similar to motor vehicles are applied to an electric scooter.

  • For the electric motor, it can have a maximum 750W output
  • The motor needs to be less than 25CC
  • A vehicle that comes with two or three wheels. The diameter of the wheels is less than 10 inches
  • There is no need for registration.
  • However, you would need some sort of permit, a driver's license, or other endorsements.
  • Also, there is no need for a helmet.

 And in case you want to ride your scooter at night, it must have a rear red light, and a white front headlight, along with reflectors and reflexes.

  • The maximum top speed you can ride your scooter is 20 mph.
  • It is preferred that you ride the scooter on bike paths. However, you can write them on sidewalks and roads.
  • All other road rules apply including the signal to turn, riding on the road's right side, stop signs, and similar others.
  • If you are under the age of 16, you would need a helmet.

At the time of this writing, we’re not sure whether you would need a license or not.


As per Massachusetts laws an electric scooter falls under the category of mopeds.

  • It is imperative for electric scooter riders to wear a helmet.
  • They also need a driver's license.
  • They cannot exceed the maximum top speed of 20 mph.

The rider and the scooter would have to follow all other rules of mopeds.

The other rules consider a lightweight motorized electric scooter as a personalized micro-mobility vehicle. Thus it can have a top speed of more than 15 mph. 

You would not need a helmet to ride even a personal micro-mobility vehicle.


Mission classifies an electric scooter under the same category as an electric skateboard.

Even though electric scooters are not classified as motor vehicles, they have to follow all the rules that are applicable to a vehicle driver.

  • They cannot have a motor that has power modern 2500 watts.
  • The maximum speed is 25 mph
  • You can only ride electric scooters on roads that have a speed limit of less than 25 mph
  • A rider under the age of 19 needs to wear a helmet.
  • A rider under the age of 12 cannot operate an electric scooter on public streets.
  • The rider can ride the scooter on sidewalks unless there are any other sorts of restrictions in place.


As per Minnesota State laws,  an electric scooter is categorized as a motorized foot scooter.

  • It is a vehicle that comes with handlebars, the rider can either stand or sit on it, and the wheels are not bigger than 12 inches in diameter.
  • Also, the scooter is powered by a combustion engine or an electric motor and it offers a maximum speed of 12 Mph.
  • For a rider under the age of 18, helmets are mandatory.
  • In order to write the scooter you need to be a minimum of 12 years of age.

 Electric motors have the same responsibilities and right as that of a bicyclist.

  • The state does not permit riding electric scooters on streets or highways without having a driver's license, insurance, and registration.
  • You cannot ride electric scooters on sidewalks.
  • In case of reduced visibility or riding at night time, it is mandatory for the scooter to have a taillight and a headlight that meets the Department of Public safety standards.
  • There are certain resources that claim that the maxim speed that is allowed is 30 mph.


Mississippi State laws define an electric scooter or electric stand-up scooter as a device that has a maximum speed of 20 mph.

  • Comes with a floorboard and handlebars
  • Uses an electric motor to power
  • Has three or two wheels
  • It weighs less than 100 lbs

Electric scooter riders would have to follow the same laws and responsibilities as bicyclists.

Sidewalks, bike parts, and other locations and streets that are OK for a bicycle are also allowed for an electric scooter.

You could not go above the speed of 15 mph. and the age criteria are the same as that when operating an automobile.

At the time of this writing, this state law does not require a driver's license or a helmet.


Like several other states. Missouri state laws classify electric scooters as electric bikes.

  • The rider can operate them in bike lanes and on streets.
  • The rider needs to have a driver's license
  • It is imperative for the driver to wear a helmet.
  • The minimum age for riding an electric scooter is 16 years.
  • If that scooter has a top speed of 30 mph it will be regulated as a motorcycle.

Some other information states that you need to be above the age of 18 and need to have a driver's license. 


Like many other states, Montana also classifies an electric scooter as a motorized bicycle. You cannot right the electric scooter on sideways.

Pedestrians always have the right of way. For an electric scooter to pass pedestrians it needs to give a verbal warning.

 Also, it needs to observe all the traffic rules.


The state doesn’t have any set rules and regulations regarding electric scooters. As per Nebraska’s DMV, there is no need to register electric scooters.

  • You cannot ride an electric scooter on the sidewalks and it needs to follow all the road standard laws.
  • There are no age or helmet restrictions at the state level.


The state has legalized electric scooters. However, there are specific rules that need to be followed.

  • An electric scooter cannot weigh more than 100 lbs.
  • The rider needs to be a minimum of 16 years of age in order to right the scooter.
  • It can not exceed the maximum speed of 20 mph.
  • You can ride electric scooters on paths, in bike lanes, and any other type of roadways that does not allow you to go faster than 15 mph.
  • There is no need to wear a helmet at the state level.

New Hampshire

Since New Hampshire categorizes electric scooters as electric bikes,  thus,  all the rules that are applicable to bicycles are also applicable to electric scooters.

  • It is mandatory for electric scooters to have a braking mechanism.
  • In order to ride the scooter you need to be a minimum of 16 years of age.

There are certain local cities including Portsmouth and Nashua that have some regulations in place regarding shared fleet scooters.

New Jersey

New Jersey introduced laws and regulations regarding electric scooters back in May 2019.

They categorize them as low-speed electric motors that come with handlebars, allow the rider to stand on them, and it does not exceed the top speed of 20 mph.

  • Electric scooters should follow the same rules as that bicycles.
  • The decision to allow electric scooters on trails or sideways is left to the cities and municipalities.
  • You would not need insurance, a driver's license, or over-vehicle registration.
  • Riders under the age of 17 need to wear a helmet.

New Mexico

Since there is no state-level formal laws and regulations regarding electric scooter, therefore you would need to inquire locally.

Although, back in January 2019 a bill was introduced. However, there has been no further action regarding it.

New York

New York is among the busiest cities in the world. Thus, making it an ideal place for electric scooters. A person living in New York would truly understand the advantages an electric scooter tends to offer.

As for statistics about 50% of car trips are within 3 miles in the United States of America. This is true for New York City where most of the trips are very short.

Even though the trips are short, the maddening congestion and heavy traffic can drive any person mad.

So back in August 2020, the state of New York legalize electric scooters which made a lot of people happy. It also was helpful for the micro-mobility of the city.

Before the law came in place things were really wild. For instance, unregulated personal electric scooters were roaming freely on the roads, pathways, and sidewalks.

 Share scooters were banned back then.

But thankfully now we have rules in place.

  • For a rider to operate an electric scooter, he or she should be a minimum of 16 years of age.
  • Any rider under the age of 18 needs to wear a helmet.
  • You cannot ride out on sidewalks. If streets allow a top speed of more than 30 mph, you cannot ride a scooter on it.
  • However, municipalities and cities have the right to override these state laws or to extend them at their own convenience. The maximum speed limit is 20 mph.

 North California

In North California, electric scooters come under the category of motor vehicles. There you need to register them with the DMV.

  • It is mandatory for the riders to have a valid NC driver's license or an ID card.
  • They also follow the definition of mopped which includes vehicles that are heavier and have the ability to travel up to 30 mph.
  • You can ride an electric scooter with a maximum speed limit of 20 mph.
  • The rider needs to be a minimum of 16 years of age in order to operate an electric scooter.
  • The rider also needs to wear an MF V SS 218 helmet. It is basically a motorcycle standard helmet.

North Dakota

Like North Carolina, North Dakota also classifies electric scooters as mopeds.

  • It means that they can have a maximum top speed of 30 mph.
  • The rider under the age of 18 needs to wear a helmet. the helmet should be a motorcycle standard helmet.
  • You cannot ride scooters on sidewalks or bike paths.
  • The electric scooter must come with a tail light, a headlight, and brakes.
  • To operate a scooter the minimum age limit is 14 years.


 In January 2021, Ohio state legalized and regulated electric scooters. The state classifies them as low-speed micro-mobility devices.

  • The electric scooter cannot weigh more than 100 lbs.
  • An electric scooter cannot have a top speed of more than 20 mph.
  • There is no need for registration, insurance, or license.
  • The scooter needs to have a rare front light in order to use it at night.
  • There is no requirement for a helmet.
  • Even though you can write it on public roads you need to yield to pedestrians.

The minimum age to operate an electric scooter is 16 years.

All other rules apply to an electric scooter. You cannot park them in areas where it doesn’t impede traffic.


There are no set state-level laws regarding electric scooters. Every city regulates the laws as per its own needs and requirements.

  • As per the Oklahoma City ordinance, if the rider is under the age of 18, it is mandatory to wear a helmet.
  • The minimum age to ride a scooter is 16 years.
  • You do not need vehicle insurance or a driver's license to operate an electric scooter.
  • You can ride in bike lanes and on roads that allow a speed limit of 35 mph.
  • However, do bear in mind that the top speed for such roads is usually 25 mph.

 All other road traffic rules stand.


Oregon also classifies an electric scooter as a moped. So,  all the laws that are applicable to Moped categories, apply to an electric scooter.

  • You cannot ride an electric scooter on crossways or sidewalks.
  • A rider must be a minimum of 16 years of age in order to ride a scooter.
  • Helmets are mandatory for all riders regardless of their age.
  • You cannot ride scooters on highways. However, you can ride them on roadways.
  • You need to use hand signals.

The largest city in Oregon, Portland does not let the rider exceed 15 mph and it does not permit them to ride on sidewalks.


The state is not electric scooter friendly at all. The state considers them under the same standards as motor vehicles. There was a guideline bill that was introduced back in 2019, but there has not been any implementation to this date.

You can register your electric scooter if it meets all the criteria of a motor vehicle such as lights, turn signals, offenders, and others.

Since most electric scooters would not be able to meet the criteria therefore the state considers them illegal.

Rhode Island

There are no state-level electric scooter regulations, therefore, every local city has its own, respective rules in place.

The only way to know the laws regarding electric scooters is to check them with your respective municipality.

The city of Provence f.e. requests a municipal ID or a valid driver's license.

Even though there are no laws regarding wearing a helmet but the state encourages riders to wear one. It also encourages to ride slowly.

as long as you observe the traffic rules you can ride your scooter on streets and sidewalks.

South Carolina

There are no state-level laws that regulate electric scooters in South Carolina. However, every city has its own set of rules in place. Two cities including Columbia and Charleston have completely band electric scooters since 2019/2018 respectively. This ban is still in place.

 The closest laws that you can understand regarding electric scooter lies under the gas-powered moped laws.

  • As per the laws, any vehicle that falls under this category needs to have registration and it needs to be insured as a motorcycle.
  • In order to operate a moped you need to have a class D, G, or M driver's license.
  • The speed limit cannot exceed 25 mph.
  • A person under the age of 21 needs to wear a helmet.

 For more information, you need to check with local authorities.

South Dakota

No fun here again. There are no state-level rules and regulations in place. Therefore, in most cities, electric scooter follows moped laws.

  • It means that electric scooters must-have requirements including insurance, brakes, lights, mirrors, and DMV registration.
  • It is mandated for a rider to carry a valid driver’s license. They also need to wear eye protection all the time.
  • Rider under the age of 18 has to wear a helmet.

All other traffic rules are also applicable.


In 2019 the state put electric scooters in the same category as electric bikes.

  • As per the laws, an electric scooter is a vehicle that cannot weigh more than 100 lbs.
  • It can have a maximum top speed of 20 mph.
  • It comes with a floorboard and handlebars.
  • The scooter should be powered by an electric motor.
  • It should have a rare front light.
  • An electric scooter should come with brakes.


Even though there are no set laws, there are certain guidelines for you to follow. You need to look into the DMV rules regarding motor assistance scooters meaning Mopeds.

  • If a road has a speed limit greater than 35 mph, you can not ride in an electric scooter on it.
  • The motor power is limited to 750 w.
  • You cannot ride on sidewalks.
  • You do not require a helmet.
  • There is no need for insurance, license, or registration.

 For more information regarding laws and regulations, you will have to visit your local Municipalities and cities.


As per laws and regulations, electric scooters follow the same rules as bicycles.

  • You do not need to have a license to ride an electric scooter.
  • There is no need for registration as well.
  • You can ride an electric scooter in every place where a bike is permitted.
  • You can ride the scooter on roads that have a speed limit of 20 mph. However, an electric scooter cannot exceed the speed of 15 mph.
  • Riders that are under the age of 15 must be under the direct supervision of their guardian or a parent.


Even though there are no state-wide regulations in place but every city does have its own set of rules for an electric scooter.

For instance, Burlington has a speed limit of 15 mph for an electric scooter. The speed limit is set by keeping share scooters in mind.

For all other purposes, a motor-assisted bicycle needs to follow the same rules and regulations as that a regular bicycle. Therefore, assuming that the same rules apply to the electric scooter as well.


In July 2020 Virginia set in place legislation for electric scooters.

  • As per the law, an electric scooter cannot weigh more than 100 lbs.
  • It can have a top speed of 20 mph.
  • The minimum age to operate an electric scooter is 14 years.
  • You cannot ride an electric scooter on the highway.

The law also permits cities and counties to regulate or ban micro-mobility vehicles as Per local ordinances.


Back in May 2019, Washington had legislation in place that legalized electric scooters and specify them as motorized foot scooters.

  • A scooter can have a maximum speed of 15 mph.
  • You cannot ride scooters on streets or bike lanes.
  • If riding a scooter at Night, Lights are mandatory.
  • Riders under the age of 16 can only operate an electric scooter if their local jurisdiction expressively allows it.
  • You do not need a helmet if you’re above the age of 18. But the law strongly suggests wearing one.
  • A rider under the age of 16 must wear a helmet.

West Virginia

In 2022 the state passed a law regarding electric bikes but nothing yet has been set for an electric scooter. As for the suggested guidelines from the state of West Virginia, Electric scooters and electric bikes are part of the same category.

  • As for the new law and e-biker do not need to register.
  • He does not need insurance.
  • There is no need for a driver's license.
  • Any rider under the age of 15 needs to wear a helmet.

Rest, the electric bike rider must follow all the rules of road traffic.


When it comes to regulating electric scooters, Wisconsin is no different from any other state.

  • As per the law, an electric scooter is a device that does not weigh more than 100 lbs.
  • It can have a maximum speed of 20 mph.
  • It comes with a floorboard to stand on and handlebars.
  • The electric scooter is powered by an electric motor.
  • You cannot ride an electric scooter on sidewalks.

The rider must follow the same rules that apply to a bicyclist while riding on a road.

The bill also allows the local government to regulate shared scooter operators. They can have their own set of rules regarding scooters within their jurisdiction.

There is no need for a license or a helmet state-wide.


At the time of writing, there are no set state-wide laws. However, the state does have regulations regarding electric bikes.

There are laws in place for different types of lighter personal vehicles.

There is a section that covers scooters. going through it would make you understand that it mostly refers to mopeds.

As per the laws regarding electric skateboards and electric bikes, there is no need for registration or licensing.

Under this law scooters fall under the category of electric skateboards thus, they hold the same rights.

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